Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I know that recently I have been writing a lot about a company named Product Body, but for any of you that have tried it, you know why. The first product I experienced was the double whipped shea butter, then the samples of crush on you, and now finally I have found my purpose for their Mama Bomb. I love it! But it's not just because it gets rid of those nasty little stretch marks, it's because of a deeper, more personal reason. Now I have a disease that is not too pretty, and certainly does not make you feel to pretty. Genetically, all my appocrine sweat glands are infected. And when I say all, i mean ALL. any where there is one I get these break outs. They come from the onset of stress, or eating unhealthy, etc. Well like I said it's not too pretty. the other day i began to get an outbreak, and when a break out occurs it leaves nasy scars, so I figured what I would do is use the mama bomb to kinda tone down the scarring (they are unbearably hideous). So I applied the mama bomb to the affected areas, and went to sleep. I hadn't really noticed them the next day, but two days later I looked at the area, and they were almost gone, healed, and with almost no scarring! That to me is a miracle, cuz these breakouts usually last weeks! I love this stuff, it is perfect to keep handy for cuts and scrapes you don't want scaring, or maybe a little moisture boost, but to me, it is perfect all around!!!!

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